⭐️ Showcase your hobbies as well as your work ⭐️
Connecting with your audience doesn’t have to stay strictly ‘professional’. Share your hobbies, passions and experiences outside of work through written stories and imagery. Who doesn’t love seeing that someone else also has the same niche love as them?
⭐️ Use language that feels like you ⭐️
Newsletters, captions, blog posts, web pages, and stories are all places where you are *absolutely* allowed to use emojis, swear words and powerful language. AI can be a good starting point, but it’s not the best way to get your personality across. It’s your business, make it sound like you.
⭐️ Persistency, not consistency ⭐️
If showing up online feels overwhelming and scary, you don’t have to do it all the time. It’s much more valuable to express yourself honestly as and when you feel like it, rather than every day as someone you’re not. The more you talk on stories, or share insights into your beautiful soul, the easier it gets.
Remember that your pace, is the perfect pace.
📸 of Jo Foster, a Bristol based nutritionist who works with people will CFS/ME to find the root causes of their symptoms and support their recovery.
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🌿 If you’re keen for a more personalised approach, there are still a few ILLUMINATION SESSIONS available this year. Remember there’s a cheeky discount of 20% off available on all 2023 Illumination Sessions….and an even more special offer was sent to newsletter subs a few weeks ago! 🧡
📸 Ready to showcase your true self? Let’s chat about how my Brand Photography Experiences can help you do this. Very limited spaces available for the rest of the year 🫶🏽
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